Construction Materials


Beyond Group Best Clinker Suppliers 

Beyond Group global supply company is one of the Best Clinker Suppliers in Dubai. Clinker, also known as kiln slag, consists of dark gray granules with diameters ranging from 3 to 25 mm. It is produced by heating clay and limestone at temperatures between 1400-1500 degrees Celsius, retaining its chemical properties throughout the process. Clinker can be stored in dry conditions for extended periods, making it a reliable raw material for cement factories, especially in regions where primary raw materials are scarce.


Clinker, also known as kiln slag, consists of dark gray granules with diameters ranging from 3 to 25 mm. It is produced by heating clay and limestone at temperatures between 1400-1500 degrees Celsius, retaining its chemical properties throughout the process. Clinker can be stored in dry conditions for extended periods, making it a reliable raw material for cement factories, especially in regions where primary raw materials are scarce.

Production Methods

Cement production involves two main methods: wet and dry. In the wet method, clinker, the primary raw material, is mixed with water and ground. In contrast, the dry method combines and grinds the cement raw materials in a dry state. Both methods ultimately rely on clinker as the vital ingredient.

Differences Between Cement and Clinker

Cement and clinker are distinct materials. Cement is a powder used in construction, while clinker is a precursor in cement production. Clinker is formed in furnaces where raw materials are heated to high temperatures. As the stove reaches peak temperatures, a rapid cooling process produces clinker. The specific type of clinker varies depending on the intended type of cement.

Composition and Use

Clinker is typically combined with clay and other additives to produce cement. Various materials, such as gypsum, are added to clinker to impart specific properties to the cement, like increased compressive strength and prevention of powder coating on mill walls. Portland cement is the most commonly produced type, but chemical compounds can be added to create other types, such as pozzolanic cement and silica fume cement.

Type 2 Clinker

Cement factories often utilize clinker when other raw materials are inaccessible or costly. Clinker is classified into several types, including type 2, each with unique compositions and applications, allowing construction materials suppliers companies to select appropriate products for different projects. Type 2 clinker, in particular, is designed for moderate sulfate resistance, making it suitable for environments with varying sulfate exposures.

Type 5 Clinker

Type 5 clinker, also known as high sulfate resistant clinker, is characterized by its organic sulfur trioxide (SO3) content, which must be precisely controlled, typically around 5%. This clinker type produces cement suitable for environments with high sulfate concentrations. Carefully analyzing raw materials in laboratory settings ensures the quality and performance of type 5 clinker.

Industrial Applications of Clinker

Clinker is essential in producing different types of cement, each tailored to specific environmental conditions and structural requirements. The adaptability and long shelf life of clinker make it a valuable resource in the global cement industry, supporting the development of durable and resilient infrastructure.