Semi Finished Casting


Blooms are long, rectangular, or square steel pieces with larger cross-sectional dimensions than billets. Typically, they measure 150 x 150 mm to 400 x 400 mm in cross-section and are used as a starting best industrial minerals and construction material for structural shapes and long products.

What Are Steel Blooms?

Steel blooms are the best construction builders starting point in the production of various steel products. Imagine them as the raw, unrefined forms of steel. They are rectangular or square bars of semi-finished steel, created through casting or rolling. These blooms are like the rough drafts in a writer’s notebook, ready to be shaped into masterpieces. Beyond Group working on Blooms steels suppliers. 

Shaping the Future: The Process

Shaping steel blooms is like sculpting clay. The process involves heating the blooms until they become malleable. Then, they are rolled and formed into different shapes. Think of it as baking cookies; the dough is shaped into various forms depending on the cookie cutter. Steel blooms can be shaped into beams, rails, or sheets, depending on the need. This transformation is crucial for building bridges, skyscrapers, and everyday appliances.


Blooms  Shape are long, rectangular, or square steel pieces with larger cross-sectional dimensions than billets.  Typically, they measure 150 x 150 mm to 400 x 400 mm in cross-section and are used as a starting material for structural shapes and long products.

  • Dimensions: Cross-section (150×150 mm to 400×400 mm), Length (up to 12 meters)
  • Chemical Composition: Similar to slabs, varies based on end use, generally including carbon, manganese, silicon, and other alloying elements.


  1. Structural Shapes:
    • Converted into beams, channels, angles, and other structural components for construction and infrastructure projects.
  2. Railroad Tracks:
    • rolled into rails for railway infrastructure.
  3. Heavy Forgings:
    • Used to produce large forgings for machinery and equipment.

Manufacturing Process

  • Primary Rolling: Cast ingots are rolled into blooms.
  • Secondary Processing: Undergo further processing, including reheating and rolling into final shapes.


  • Strength: Suitable for heavy-duty applications requiring high strength.
  • Flexibility: Can be further processed into various structural and long products.
  • Consistency: Ensures uniformity and quality in the final products.