Our Promise

Defined Priorities and Targets

Our priorities and targets are carefully crafted to align with our vision of sustainable growth, innovation, and excellence. Our approach focuses on three main pillars: environmental impact, economic responsibility, and social engagement. Each pillar has specific targets that guide our actions and measure our progress. They guarantee we stay on course and deliver tangible results in line with our mission and values.

Defined Priorities and Targets

Beyond Group of Company priorities and targets are carefully crafted to align with our vision of sustainable growth, innovation, and excellence. Our approach focuses on three main pillars: environmental impact, economic responsibility, and social engagement. Each pillar has specific targets that guide our actions and measure our progress. They guarantee we stay on course and deliver tangible results in line with our mission and values.

Environmental Impact

Reducing our environmental footprint is a central priority. We have set ambitious targets for lowering greenhouse gas emissions, conserving water, and minimizing waste.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Our goal is to reduce our carbon footprint. We are implementing energy-efficient technologies and transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. By 2030, we aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50%. It involves optimizing our production processes, investing in energy-saving equipment, and encouraging energy conservation practices across all our operations.

Water Conservation: Water is a vital resource, and its conservation is critical. We have introduced advanced water recycling systems to reduce consumption and ensure sustainable use. Our target is to reduce water usage by 40% by 2028. It includes installing water-efficient fixtures, reusing water in our processes, and adopting best practices for water management.

Waste Reduction: Achieving zero waste to landfill is a key target. We are enhancing our recycling programs and finding innovative ways to reuse materials. By 2025, we aim to recycle or repurpose 90% of our waste. It involves implementing comprehensive waste management systems, educating employees on waste reduction practices, and collaborating with partners to develop sustainable solutions for waste materials.

Economic Responsibility

Economic responsibility involves creating value for our stakeholders while maintaining financial stability and promoting sustainable practices. Our targets focus on innovation, transparency, and risk management.

Innovation: Continual improvement and innovation are vital for our growth. We are committed to investing in research and development to enhance our products and processes. We aim to allocate 5% of our annual revenue to R&D activities by 2025. It will drive the development of new materials, improve efficiency, and support sustainable practices.

Transparency: Open communication with stakeholders builds trust and accountability. We provide regular updates on our financial performance and sustainability initiatives. We aim to publish an annual sustainability report detailing our progress, challenges, and future plans. This report will be accessible to all stakeholders, ensuring transparency and fostering trust.

Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating risks is essential for maintaining stability. We have developed a robust risk management framework to address potential challenges. We aim to conduct comprehensive risk assessments annually and implement mitigation strategies to address identified risks. This proactive approach ensures we remain resilient and adaptable in a changing environment.

Social Engagement

Social engagement focuses on improving the well-being of our employees, communities, and stakeholders. Our targets in this area emphasize health and safety, community involvement, and diversity and inclusion.

Health and Safety: Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment is paramount. We have set stringent safety standards and provide ongoing training to our employees. Our target is to achieve a zero-incident workplace by 2025. This involves regular safety audits, continuous improvement of safety protocols, and fostering a culture of safety awareness.

Community Involvement: Supporting local communities is integral to our operations. We participate in regional development projects, educational initiatives, and health services. We aim to allocate 1% of our annual profits to community development projects by 2026. It reflects our dedication to contributing positively to the social fabric of our communities.

Diversity and Inclusion: A key priority is creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and respected. We aim to increase diversity in leadership positions and promote equal employee opportunities. We strive to achieve a 50% representation of underrepresented groups in leadership roles by 2030. We are implementing training programs on diversity for a supportive and dynamic work environment.

Integration and Monitoring

We use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress and make informed decisions. Regular monitoring and reporting ensure accountability and transparency.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Specific metrics track our progress in each priority area. These KPIs provide a clear picture of our achievements and areas for improvement. By regularly reviewing these indicators, we can adjust our strategies and ensure we stay on track to meet our targets.

Continuous Improvement: We are committed to constantly improving all aspects of our business. Feedback from stakeholders is invaluable in identifying areas for enhancement. We regularly seek input from employees, customers, and partners to refine our processes and strategies.

Focusing on environmental responsibility, economic responsibility, and social engagement ensures that our actions align with our values and contribute to a better future for all stakeholders. Our targets guide our journey, providing clear direction and measurable outcomes that drive our success and support our mission of creating long-term value.

Driving Construction Innovation

Beyond Global Supply Partners with the best construction builders in Dubai to drive innovation in the industry. We provide various building materials suppliers and practical construction solutions. As a leading construction material company, we are devoted to helping builders build their visions with quality.

Providing Reliable Machinery Solutions

Beyond Global Supply provides industrial materials companies in Dubai with reliable machinery solutions. Our selection of heavy industrial machinery is designed to support complex projects. We deliver for the efficiency and productivity of Dubai’s industrial sector.

Strengthening Construction Infrastructure

Beyond Global Supply strengthens Dubai’s construction infrastructure by supplying high-quality materials to builders and developers. Our top construction material company role is reinforced by our ability to provide the resource. We collaborate with developers to supply each project with the best materials available.